What's In a Purse?
Well- I know this blog is mainly about men I meet everyday but I can't resist this subject. I have seen it so many times I can't believe it.
It goes like this:
Woman comes in for a coffee beverage, usually something very involved. She then proceeds to prop her purse on the counter to pay and leaves it wide open for all humanity to see what's inside. Do you think she wants all to see the following...?
Her birth control pills, her stash of pot, her baggie of cocaine, her tampax, her hair curlers, o my gosh what else is in there? I thought I had seen it all the other day when a customer propped her purse, took out her wallet and a DOG jumped out. Scared the crap out of me!!!! You all know that I have a particular problem with animals in my store.
She said that she didn't want to leave her little precious in the car. Well how about leaving it at home?
I guess this is one time that I am glad to have men customers with no purses. However there is always the man-purse or the murse. What do you readers think about the "murse"
Have a great Monday