Change Jinglers
I am completely stumped as to why men carry around so much loose change in their pockets. I work in a coffee shop and take money and make change all day long. I have noticed that men are particularily enamored of their change. They want to keep what they have and get more change for their pockets. By the end of the day they have a ton of it.
I have many men customers who instead of putting their nickel or dime change from their purchase in our tip jar they deposit it in their pocket. They go around town all day with change jingling all day long. I call them the change jinglers. You can hear them coming quite a ways away. Their pocekts are heavy with quarters, dimes and nickels. They don't part with it. They put their hands in the pockets and play with the change and jingle it. I think it is a little creepy. Just let go of the change! It will free your pants and then people won't say "where is that jingler ?".
I have even gone so far as to suggest to some men that perhaps they should use a murse for their money. You know a man purse. For some reason they seem to be offended by that suggestion. HAHA
I know women readers can tell some jingler stories. Ever dated one of these ? He pulls out the change to pay a portion of dinner or exact change for the movies. You know who I mean ladies.
have a great night all. Coco
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