What I learn about men each day

My life in a coffee shop. May interactions and dealings with customers every day. Mostly about men because they are so memorable. For women to read because we will see these traits in all of our men.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


So what is it about the dawn of a new day that brings the homeless from their resting places? I opened my coffeeshop at 5am this morning and by 515am there had been at least 3 homeless in to wash up in my bathroom. They kind of sneak in the door and stay for awhile in the bathroom. I had many complaints about the state of the bathroom after. No one wants to clean up after themselves even the homeless.
Before you tell me what a horrible, unfeeling person I am let me tell you what I have to deal with.
Homeless solicit in front of my store and customers walk away. Bad for business. At 5am when it is dark, no one wants to be solicited in the dark. Ok= maybe for a ton more money maybe.
If i won't give them a free coffee because they are "down on their luck" I get merchandise thrown at me and get cursed at worse than a sailor can. The police are my friends. I have to call them on a regular basis. At least now at 5am I can see their police cars at the curb watching out for us in the shop.
I am really tired of it. I really don't think I get paid enough to deal with the homeless who are a little loony as well. Some are downright creepy . Maybe I could get paid sometype of battle pay.
I just had a hard morning and had to rant.
Good news: the day is done
Bad news: i have to do it all over again tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


How many of us do it, flirt, that is?
I am just a naturally friendly person. In my coffeeshop job I am paid to be friendly and outgoing. I am paid to take an interest in you and have you leave the shop feeling good. I am so good at it I am not aware anymore that I am friendly.
However I have been called the biggest flirt in our shop. I guess it comes so naturally to me I don't know I am being flirty.
Herein lies the problem.
I don't consider my behavior flirting. But my co-workers just look at me and say "there she goes again! ". "Can you teach me how to flirt" . "How does she know all those people"?
How do you know someone is flirting??
Guys and girls, how do you know? Do you find yourself flirting often? With whom?
Let's compare our flirting techiques


Let's stay with the same relationship theme.
We were talking the coffee shop yesterday about who has the power in a relationship.
Usually it is one or the other, the man or woman. I suspect that most of the time the man is dictating the rules and the game plan for two. I wonder why women are so inclined to give up their power or their say in a relationship because they are afraid that the man will leave.
It is frustarating to see this in other women. I think I see it in myself and am getting mad at me!
I think your Coco has woken up and has had enough. I want to take back the power. So readers , How do I do it? It can't be that hard?
Now I am going to work and serve up Lattes and whatever you men want. So you better behave today because I am going to use my power today. Don't give me any crap and all will be well in coffeeland.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can we still be friends?

Here is my dilemma today.

After a break-up in a relationship can men and women still be friends.
I hear this a lot from men I know. They want to continue on with the friend aspect but the women are too invested in the romantic, physical side of the relationship to just have a "friend".

I have had numerous discussions with co-workers and friends.

I think women hold onto grudges and resentments too long to continue a friendship. It is hard for us to let go of the hurt a break-up causes as well as the blame.
Men seem to be able to let it all go.
What do you readers think? I really need some advice here!
Hurry - Coco

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Phone Sex

I notice more than a few customers on their cell phones these days.
Are they really having a business conversation while waiting for their lattes? or are they standing off in the corner having an intimate phone sex conversation with someone?
How many of you out there are actually having phone sex while waiting at the coffee shop, grocery store or elsewhere while running errands. Does the boss know what you are using the company minutes for?
Sometimes I see cars pulled off to the side of the road and someone on their phones. At least they have pulled over and are not "finishing" while in traffic. Could you imagine explaining to the EMT/Highway Patrol why your pants were unzipped!
Come on confess and tell me the stories.
Have a great phone conversation all!

Friday, August 18, 2006


So how do you decide what to do for vacations?
I notice that men seem to want a more active, touring or sporty kind of vacation
It seems that women would like to sightsee and just lay around on the beach.
That is what I notice from my customers when queried about what they did for vacation.
What do you readers advise for a vacation.
Are the men and women readers divided similar to my observations?
Let us know what you did on your Summer Vacations.
Enjoy the last weeks of summer. Although where I live it's always summer !!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Women's Sweaty $$$$$

Well imagine my surprise this week whan a woman ordered her tasty beverage and pulled a sweaty credit card out of her jog bra !!!!! YEEEW Gross !!!!!!
Yes I apologize to men out there. I guess I hadn't run into a woman who would do this.
Also in the same week a woman who had been at a nearby Yoga studio pulled out a $20 from her bra to pay for her beverage.
"Oh I am sorry it is wet, I didn't have any place for a wallet" was the response.
It is getting to the point that I want to run from any "exercising" customer that comes in my shop.
What are people thinking out there?
Maybe I should try and experiment and tell them I will not accept any money that is wet.
Maybe a bank is allowed to do that. anyone know?

Have a dry Thursday

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Women know First

So why do women know the break-up is coming before the man?
Are we just "more in touch with our feelings" ?
Perhaps we are more in touch with "his feelings".
Guys really are very adept at blaming everyone but themselves. I suppose that is a natural defense.
It seems like couples are spliting up all around me and I sure hear it across the counter at my shop each day. I really don't want to hear about his/her girlfriend or why the split happened. I just serve you coffee each day I am not your therapist! However I could charge extra for that latte.
Maybe a separate line for coffee and therapy. Somewhat like Lucy in Charlie Brown.
Have a good day

Friday, August 11, 2006


I also noticed that a really "friendly "reader has commented several times and led us to his/her poker website. I need to be getting some payments for the free advertising.
How bout it Mr Poker?

I despise Passwords and Usernames !!!!!

Welcome me back to the blogging world.
I was on vacation for 2 weeks= not near a computer= in Maine. That is not to say that there are no computers in Maine but there were no plugs in our campsite for the laptop!!! Not to mention a wireless internet.
When I returned something happened to my system.
I couldn't log onto my blog and had to do the resetting thing for username and password.
I am so happy to be writing again I hope I haven't lost readers.
keep coming back to read and I'll try to catch up on all the coffee talk.
Enjoy your Saturday