What I learn about men each day

My life in a coffee shop. May interactions and dealings with customers every day. Mostly about men because they are so memorable. For women to read because we will see these traits in all of our men.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can we still be friends?

Here is my dilemma today.

After a break-up in a relationship can men and women still be friends.
I hear this a lot from men I know. They want to continue on with the friend aspect but the women are too invested in the romantic, physical side of the relationship to just have a "friend".

I have had numerous discussions with co-workers and friends.

I think women hold onto grudges and resentments too long to continue a friendship. It is hard for us to let go of the hurt a break-up causes as well as the blame.
Men seem to be able to let it all go.
What do you readers think? I really need some advice here!
Hurry - Coco


Blogger Blank said...

In all truth, as a man, I would have to say that if would be very difficult to remain friends with women after a breakup. I guess there would be a few exceptions, but they are going to be rare. Yes, you can be cordial and polite, but you’re not going to hang out or go out unless you’re in a group environment. And most group events tend to be paired, you know boy girl, I know in your California, so the paring rules are flexible.

Also and here’s the shocker of the day, the man is still going to want to touch unless you had some terrible breakup.

My suggestion is let the hurt ease, drink excessively on one, or maybe 2 girls night out, then invest something in yourself. No matter what, the hurt and resentment will linger for a while, try being married for 12 years and find out you wife is messing around while feeding you a line of crap. It hurts, it hurts badly for a while but it gets better.

3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the number of couples who stay 'friends' after the breakup of a relationship is exceedingly small.

Oh, they may be polite to each other ... but the pain never really goes away, does it?

Aren't you reminded of the past every time you walk into a place you used to go with that person or see a movie you saw together?

I sure am. It's like a part of you DIES.

Pain fades, but never disappers.

Sorry to hear your relationship didn't work out.

4:21 PM  

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