What I learn about men each day

My life in a coffee shop. May interactions and dealings with customers every day. Mostly about men because they are so memorable. For women to read because we will see these traits in all of our men.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Exile Island

Any Survivor watchers out there?

We played a game at the coffee shop today. Which customers would you send to Exile Island?

In Survivor you get voted there by your teammates. In our Coffeeshop Survivor ,The barista gets to vote you there.

Well- lets say that there were many customers that got voted out today to Exile Island.

They were crabby, rude, know-it alls, those were the men. The women had fake boobs, teased hair and chewed wads of gum and talked on their "pink razor" phones about their weekend plans.

Then there were the kids! So many of them.

So in your real life who would you send to Exile Island? Family, co-workers, your boss or maybe the guy on the freeway?
Let us know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiots who took out 'normal' prezels out of Movie Theaters and replaced them with crappy pasteries that look like prezels but taste like doughnuts.

10:46 PM  

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