What I learn about men each day

My life in a coffee shop. May interactions and dealings with customers every day. Mostly about men because they are so memorable. For women to read because we will see these traits in all of our men.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Hires

Hey we just hired 2 new employees at my Starbucks. They are both women.
I have to say that women workers tend to stay with the job longer than men.
I wonder why ?
Women tend to know how to multitask better than men. They don't get as frustrated as men and sometimes have a perkier disposition then men.
I do say that women bring more tips in than you guys. Nothing men love more than a women in short skirt and some cleavage showing. Serve then up a nice latte and they have the beginning of a great day.
What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are so wrong!! come and dine and a 5 star restaurant. Better and come work at my restaurant, most 5 star restaurant are employed by 85%male servers and bussers. Most females can not handle the restaurant talk in the kitchen. I make so MUCH more money in tips than the females because the females think that the customer cares about them. All the females that have worked a my restaurant has asked a customer out or hinted the availablity. I think the question is why the females think they need to show cleavege or hint their availablity. Another question? have you ever work constuction, landscaping, or any labor work and don't say giving birth /raise kids! What other type of work have you done?

9:52 PM  
Blogger CoCo said...

Obviously I have hit a nerve with you guys!
Can anyone else back up these comments?
Thanks for stopping by and reading.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flash some tit and get the tip.

Any kind of tip ya want baby.

12:07 AM  

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