What I learn about men each day

My life in a coffee shop. May interactions and dealings with customers every day. Mostly about men because they are so memorable. For women to read because we will see these traits in all of our men.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Men with long hair

In addition to men with earrings now I seem to have had a rash of men customers in the coffee shop with long hair. You guys please help me understand about this long hair thing.
There is a guy with hair as long as his butt. He wears it long and flowing. I want to ask how he keeps it so shiny. Is that a subject to discuss while waiting for your latte?
"Excuse me- What products do you use on your hair? It really looks a lot fuller and nicer, not to mention, a lot more shiny than mine." Everyone would be rolling with laughter in the shop!
There are also the older guys again that I think should act their age. They have a long style ponytail however they are bald up on top! I just want to say. "Hey you- your hair is growing in reverse. Did you realize that? Maybe they should get it cut in back and reattach it up on the top of their head. If you are bald on top , go bald all the way. Women generally like that look. I do.
What is it with you guys and your hair?
I commented in my earring blog about dating a guy with a smaller butt than mine. I would not do it. I also would not date a guy with longer hair than mine. I suspect that too much time would be spent waiting for him to fix his hair. That is my area of expertise!
So talk to me please!
Have a great Friday


Blogger Gordy said...

You like bald guys? Good grief I'm in heaven.

I'm exactly as you say. I knew long ago I was losing my hair. I styled it so that it was obvious, not covered up. Then when it started to look stupid, all of it came off. Been that way some 10 years now.

Sadly, I find it intimidates a lot of women. Tough.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because long hair is less work than short.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i could date a man with longer hair but never a man with a smaller pant size. i feel so shallow now that i've said it...

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

8:14 PM  

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